keywords: Eucalyptus globulus fibre, carbonised, treated, functional group, morphology, elemental composition
This research focuses on the characterisation of raw and treated carbonised Eucalyptus globulus sawdust (EGS) fibre. The micro-structural properties that were analysed include the elemental composition, morphology and functional groups of the EGS fibre. This EGS fibre was optimally mercerised at 3% NaOH concentration for 2 h, after which, 100 g of the treated fibre was carbonised at 500 oC for 2 h. Result from the elemental composition analysis reveal that carbon recorded the highest percentage weight concentration among the other 11 elements detected from the raw EGS sample. This may be due to the EGS specie and inadequate carbonisation process. In the treated carbonised EGS sample, increase in weight concentration of some elements like aluminium zinc and magnesium was observed. Similarly, there was emergence of some transitional metals in the treated carbonised EGS sample. This is as a result of the quantitative purification of the crude raw EGS fibre, initiated by the mercerisation and carbonisation process. The morphology of the treated carbonised sample reveal absence of white patches of impurities with smaller particle sizes. Furthermore, the functional groups as revealed by the Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) analysis of the treated carbonised fibre shows a drastic reduction in the hydroxyl (OH) group and emergence of an amine (N-H) group with an adsorption character. All of these are in comparison with the raw carbonised EGS fibre. The property of treated carbonised EGS fibre is suitable for application in the production of hybrid polymer composite of good mechanical and thermal property.